We are a Year 1 and 2 class with 26 students. We call ourselves ‘The Sparklers’ because this year we are going to reach for the stars and be the very best we can be.
Our class is one of seven classes at School of the Nativity, a Catholic parish school in Adelaide, South Australia.
Click here to visit our school website!
March 13, 2013 at 8:48 am
Hi Mrs Bowden & Mrs Charlesworth,
I think the blog looks great.
From Amelie
March 13, 2013 at 10:32 am
Thanks for your comment Amelie! You will have to show and teach the rest of the class how to post a comment sometime in class this week!
March 17, 2013 at 9:45 pm
Hi Mrs Charlesworth & Mrs Bowden
I think the blog looks awesome. Thank You for making the blog, I like reading all the comments and putting my comments on there too.
From Mia
March 18, 2013 at 5:44 am
You are more than welcome, we are glad that you are enjoying the blog. We are enjoyin reading your comments.
March 21, 2013 at 7:33 am
I really enjoy look at the blog
March 1, 2014 at 3:05 pm
G’day Year1BC students,
Thanks for registering for the March 2014 blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week starting 9th March, when the first challenge is published.
If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the “Subscribe by email” on the right sidebar of the challenge blog.
Also make sure you visit blogs from other classes around the world with similar ages – see list in blog header.
Feel free to add the 2014 badge to your blog.
Miss W or tasteach – challenge organizer
PS If using blogger platform, please have Name/URL as an option when leaving comments. If using kidblog, make sure readers can view posts and comments.
March 15, 2014 at 2:14 am
Dear High Flyers,
My class is also part of the Student Blogging Challenge. We will look forward to visiting your blog as part of the challenge.
I taught at a Catholic school for seven years before moving to Bahrain, where I now teach English to Kindergarten students.
March 19, 2014 at 4:17 pm
We looking forward to visiting your blog too!